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iii ....... i ii u ,I, II
With Colder Weather IIerc, October
bCompctition Calls for Soup Recipes;
Send in Your Family's Favorite and l
You May Win One of Cash Prizes. 1
Five dollars in cash for the best l
soup recipe received during Oc-
toberthere's a timely contest for
you! With crisp autumn days put-
ting a sharp edge on appetites,
soup will form a fitting introduc-
tion to noon or evening meals, and
perhaps your best soup recipe will
not only please your family, but
may win you cash--good, hard,
round American dollars--if you send
it to Miss Wynn, P. O. Box 1906, Great
Fails, Mont.
For the recipe adjudged the best, and
mailed to Miss Wynn during Ootober,
a cash award of $5 will be made.
For the one deemed second best, the
prize will be $2. Three other prizes of
$1 each will be awarded the recipes
adjudged third, fourth and fifth best.
Armouncements of winners of the
September contest, for moulded salad
recipes, wll be made shortly.
Tested and Proved
Seasonable Recipes
8 small potatoes
8 small carrots
In small onions
1 small cauliflower
1 cup canned peas
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons flour
2 cups mllk
lb. AmezXtC-Rtl .cheese, grated
Salt, pepper .
Cook potatoes, carr.ts, onions arid
cauliflower (separated ro ftoweres),
and drain well. Add the drained peas,
and .place all vegetables in a casserole.
Make cream sauce with the butter,
flour nd milk. Add grated cheese and
Parents should provide opportunity to children to practice this most
important phase of successful homemaking.
Jumper Outfit Is
Smart and Useful
This winsome little lassie jumps for
joy in her new jumper outfit--,and no
wonder[ Have you ever seen a more
dashing combination than the jaunty
jumper, blouse and cap sketched here?
Designed by Claire Tilden, Pattern 724
is done in a jiffy, but your child will
I wear it clear through this season and ,# ,
next year too! The simply-cut jurap-
or, smart in checked or diagonally rib-
bed wool, is in just four easy pieces, a_6"
[excluding the optional half-sash that "
ties in the back. See how well-shaped
the top is, and how smart the buttoned
I straps! The sweet blouse tas perky
I puffed sleeves and a tiny collar. And
topping it all is the cocky hat which
you'll make from scraps of left-over k
fabric. Made in four sections, "seven --
dwarfs" style, you may add cut bows
in front. This is a style that will let
your darling lead the junior fashion
Pattern 724 is cut in ehildl, en's sizes, g'
4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. Size 6, jumper and °
hat, requires I'A .yards 54 inch fabric
and blouse, :A yard 35 inch contrast.
Send Fifteen Cents (15c) in coins
for this pattern. Write clearly size,
name, address and style number.
Timely Suggestions, , ................................................... Send all orders to PATTERN DEPT.,
ginning stages of learning to cook City,M-N' N.70y.Flf'th Avenue, New York
[must not be too complicated, yet by - .
. the simple addition of some of the
In Art of Cookery / ready-to-serve foods so common in all,
Young people are going back to American homes, the single dish may
school now, axidin every home whereioftencometothetablealmostaeom- Early E lucation in the -
there are children, the household will plebe meal. Teach the children simple
again bubble with the tales brought l and colorful tricl, in garnishing--and _ _,_ '
home from the classroom about the you'll find canne vegetables a grand]
new problems of the day. These must help in rounding out menus as well.asl "The Child's First School Is the Family"Froebel
be received by the parents with. adding color ana oamnce. Any cmm F Issued by the National Kindergarten /Lssn. 8 West 40th St., New York
matched enthusiasm The children can learn to open a can and heat a j
need this support and want it. If vegetable ready for serving, so let]
parents think it makes their lives too I them use them often. They are so in- [ THE FUSSY CHILD in and tell Katie how naughty he'd
compmx, they had better remember l expensive and convenient that to be
there is no better recipe than this for without them is not good homemaking. I By LAURA GRAY I been."
................... I The mother came back looking weary
staying young. Tlle wholesome goodness and uni-I,,,,;1 nere mus,, JalSomemg wr0n/ an d exhausted and beg to work. No
Girls, and many boys too, are inter- versal appeal of canned peas make I.y2\\;'j'.%.' asle',osa ' kitn'] one spoke.
ested in foods and cooking. They may them aaPOPsalesaCmpaeflm, enttl wh]]e" te"watched th'eir little on In a few m inus, y.dun. J?hE. came
be introduced to this important phase may '. .y ta. I ,oaau,,, "He s so cross so irritable / ou again ana sa anu su.lKecl. e was
of homemaking at school in home eco- is of extra high quality ] "'j'u's" about worn out And he's I too thin, too tel! and his seemed
g g " • 1 an mo large ior his slencler llmDs '.'nero
nomics classes, or in scout and other rowm an(1 [ipentng eon[11blOIL Wr • '
• "e and much wmse here t the beacl th ] •
ideal The crop was hazy sled
club work--all of these activities aim • o home' , was a disagreeable expression on his
P ' , ,thor w,v';" .kd tho older] face that was mchildlike
at the family and home problems of acked at the height of its excellence L,"" "
'S ' .......
cooking, so parents should at least thus making canned peas the year ................. , ........
.s ket in ,,eetables" Homemakers woman. ' wonoer n oonn nas innerited an
offer their children .=. setting and kw hat caned peas are especially "He won't eat his meals without be-[ Uenploer?,,SanrtedDeti% frnOohOp%
opportuPAW for them to l'mt inW :' .....
lice some of these cooking ideas. h,:)mieal because of the many uses ing coaxea, wnlnes Ior wna ne can' ......
the have in cookery The natural have and is so nervous he doesn't even i uonn_ move ou of hearing. She
There is one point worth remember- green c'nr of canned' peas and the sleep well. I used to think all cl) w,as, No!e,,nlgv.YdmapPoYl. d o
ing when considering children in the uniformit n their quality make them were more or less like that buu since' ,,-- .: ug a .aer .w man.
kitchen. Be sure to let them have fun . . " : ............ ...... r sweet ha-nv tittle Bobby My aear Mrs. Jenson, mere m non-
dalntil arac e Ior irequen use -ve w yw , ,-,.,
at their work. To most children, wash- Y 7. • " ing radically wrong with John s dis-
Even disagreeable ancestors will not
account for such a state of mind.
Chief among the causes is being over-
tired. It is hard to realize what a lot
of energy a little one uses up each
Unsuitable food, uncomfortable cloth-
ing, the effort to adjust to an adult
program, all he to "spoil" a little
one. In all seasons, a young child
needs quiet, regular hours and tmder-
standing care, as well as suitable com-
panionship, fresh air and sunshine. It
is all very simple and yet it exa
much from the mother. But surely hav-
ing a i]appy, friendly, normal child M
reward enough.
Famous DesLgner
Features New Color,
"Anaconda Copper"
"Anaconda Copper," a new color in
women's wear, has been introduced bY
Molyneux, the former British army
officer who has become world-famous
as one of the leading dress designers
of Paris. The new color, of particular
interest to Montana women, was fea-
,tured in a large advertisement in a
recent issue of ,the New York Time.
"We believe urn" Anaconda Copper
faslions will stir your soul," the New
York copywrtter declared. "Anaconda
Copper is as native to America as the
copper mines which inspired it. In it,
the radiance of the sun as it sinks
behind the western motmtains. In it,
the clear tones of a bell struck some-
where in ,the Taos mission country.
You will have an unforgetable ex-
perience in beauty when you wear our
Anaconda Copper fashions with brown
or pink."
Gowns of "Anaconda Copper," in
rayon, have been displayed by several
Mmtana s,tores h the last few days.
Registration a,t ,the Montana School
of Mines will be approximately 300 this
term, according to W. M. Brown, regis-
trar, following the first day of enroll-
mont. Opening of the new $260,000
library and museum building will pro-
vide more Space for classrooms, he
BRIDE--To dream of brides or wed-
dings, foretells a joyous period In the
near future. But it will be of short
duration. To wear the veil yourself
indicates an opportunlW is cooing
which will give you lasting happiness
stir until it is melted. Season to taste.
Pour over the vegetables, place under
low broiler heat to lightly brown the
2 cups dry bread
1 cup hot water
1 egg
1 cup evaporated milk
cup sugar
teaspoon salt
Cinnamon or nutmeg
Soak bread in the water. Add milk,
beaten egg, salt and sugar. Sprinkle
with cinnamon or nutmeg. Pour into
buttered baking dish, set in pan of hot
water and bake in a moderate oven
(350 degrees F.) until firm and brown
on top, about 1 hour. Raisins, chopped
prunes or apples may be added. Yield,
binag dishes is not fun, but, on the other Here's a grand !pe for your young I've b gun t° wTldeer hear her clflld
nu, practically any child will gran son or daughter to tit as his or nor ..'.' "'-t, ..... .' .......... ,.^..
that washin the dishes the use in eh.ce ,.at ,,,lav, f.v[,,,..h CalleCl swee ana nappy. uuy u:uv
the preparation of a meal is Ycertainly " .': '"_'. .... :'"' ,. ^ smiled_appreciatively., ..... e *'im so
n t e r sl:mnstbilitv of that tnh l.'ranllurters, lfJce ana aall|ea r Wllab UO yUU UU bt., zzt.r 1
art of h_ e ................. ............ __._..a..^^,. ^. h,._ nowv'
r *-- ¢ rlatcr [-nu, vul'v'ar, u u,,u .
In other wo ds, let the fun of the Job f all
'r.Y turned toward a group o sm
and the pleasure of se-¢ing an attrac- Frankfurters (desired number) I -..'- ...... "-- - " ....... - ^ff 've
tlve and perhaps a little bit glamorous 2 cups boiled rice I cnnarer w*.*.fl_.^,_,,,.,[
dish be the high spot, and you ll find 1 can peas } ..... ..; ......... .,.
the other worries will be little ones. 4 tablespoons butter .nanqs pnea saa.AL2 2-tet,,u:iY,,
Single dishes are ,,robabl,, the best Cheese if desired ] mg ace aown, w,s .. , ,.
a r Tnen Booy srx)oa .
place to start and as skill is developed, Arrange on a baking platter a 1 ye ^. --- . ,., i%',4en ed and his
ive them more and more indepen- of rice and over this place the peas , o.. .the sea and
ence in the kitchen, and soon whole and frankfurters. Dot with butter and .ba.k ,t,alght. He f ae 41vin-
meals will be as easily aceompllshedl bake at 350 degrees until the frank- laugnea, mn oz ,.n_e Joy o,[..'a. d for
as learning a new sport and glvingJ furters are done--about 30 minutes. If/,. r.s_ensonwen. [_Lv%,:r.,a
enullv a m,,h iovrnet f n h | d-irea .lt ah frankfl,rter .wu wr u* **v ** uau. • w ,,;w
more, .to the whole family. ] and isert thin strips of cheese before ! u puuu ,L,v Lu, ,,j__-
Reeises used by children in the be-* bakin ever neara nun cry. racmus, mo a
.... I my John! He's taken that little girl's
==:=:=--=====--=:===== ......... ................. -:] pail and is striking her with the spade."
" [Mrs. Benson dropped her knitting and
/ ran.
position, I feel sure. Give him a fair
chance and he'll be as sweet as Bobby."
and profit.
friendly, while Bobby looks upon ev-
eryone as a friend?"
"Well, I find that Bobby can. be
disagreeable, too, when overtired or
"Oh--yes. You make him rest part
of he day, don't you? And you are
particular about his meals, and you
don't allow him to be exposed to the
sun for too long a time. You don't
let him bathe more thn twice a day, - _.. ;-.l&
either. You Kee KP2"rnd my "-
"1 gre friends t ;'-'" "...,- -
Bobby's mother nodded and mYMYed.
"You were accused by one mother
of my acquaintance of being too fini-
cal' about your boy," Mrs. Benson went
on. "But when I saw what a charm-
ing little fellow he was I thought I'd
like to know the real secret of it.
Thank you and Katie--for telling mel"
It is not natural for a little child
to be fussy, nervous or troublesome.
Miss Wynn's 'cipe of the
Month" contest for October
calls only for Soup Recipes. -
Housewives will welcome this
contest at this time of the
year, for what could be more
seasonable than a bowl of
delicious hot SOUl) these cool
autumn days--wi[h the added q"
possibility of winning severa| q.
good old American dollars?
Cash Prizes
wlll be awarded for soup
recipes as follows: f
$5.00 fo, 00ipe
Judged the best f
$2.00 for the second best
recipe submitted, and
RACE TRK:KII ----'-':1 : /Igl
SH UP I I i //. U-'I ,
DD will be awarded to
x.v the third, fourth and
fifth best.
L Address your recipes to
Miss Kathryn G. Wynn,
Food Editor, P. O. Box 1906,
- Great Falls, Montana.
2. All recipes submitted be- .
come the property of Miss
€ Wynn. Contest closes Oct.
31, 1939.
Z SAY-'- LORD N01:I:::I,I'IrrHAV-- ] hELL ME-LORD T HAW|" OLD BOY'] rHAW!o "l.dl.l RE--TRJ--] r-H-l,.ll, l:Rt:x:. $ O..9 r X
--U REMEMBE-R ME- ! CPTT sexy Ii Bu-o- c I zub A'7. / I. TuNEO TODAY---IMLQRO-- I I ONION'" :M A BT LOW TO- I/ ! I ll
,, AI I ,, ,r-" i I1
I,.----\\;lLIl.ll/- I Il I,'7"(-,-- '"'4' r=I-eHNT TL-I b KNOW O!= ANY-! NIFTER--I IYA L&T NONTH?--- I \\; • /ii
_ .