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Philipsburg Mail
Philipsburg , Montana
October 6, 1939     Philipsburg Mail
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October 6, 1939
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Acreage "FREE BOOKLET" Little California Farms. Write MR. AVERILL, Marvlsta, California. Assayers. Chemists LEWIS & WALKER. assayers, them- lets. 108 N. Wyoming, BUTTE, MONT Beauty 'Culture • IT IS A GOOD SCHOOL Margaret Hood has had over 25 years experience ill beauty culture. Free employment service and all tools are furnished free. Beauty Shops prefer MARGARET HOOD GRADU- ATES. Accredited School• MARGARET noon BEAUTY SCHOOL 3]4 Central Ave.. Great Falls, Mont. Business O ortunities $4,500.00 PAYS 60% NET AVERAGE steady yearly income. Restaurant aud beer parlor• Will stand closest audit and investi- gation. Must be cash. Only those who have cash and mean busines3 need apply. P. O• BOX 680, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. FOR SALF.e--Cabin camp, lunch room, service station• Doing good business• 1403 FIRST AVE. N., Billings, Montana. FOR SALEv-. SHOE SERVICE SHOP, cheaP; reason other interests. MAITIN HUFF. Conrad, Montana. II-ROOM-iPARENT HOUSE for sale at a bargain. Near mill. Terms. Wrltc BOX 711. Sidney, nnlnnn Dair Farm , FULLY EQUIPPED MODERN DAIRY farm, irrigated, outskirts of town, ideal, home located in trees; BROWN SWISS herd; selling 20 quarts daily at 12e per quart. $10,000 down, balance monthly payments. Address P. O. BOX 90S. Miles City, Mont. Do s for Sale SPRINGER SPANIELS, registered. 11 months old. CHESTER EDGE, Healdsburg, California. Exchan e FREE BOOKLET, EXCHANGES made everywhere. Farms, etc. PETERMAN'S EXCHANGE, Wichita, Kansas. Farms Wanted FARMS WANTED. With txe comple- tlvu of Fort Peck dam, uundreds 0f [armer will be obliged to move from their Missouri bottom lands and will be looking for new lo- cations. If you want to sell your land, adver- tins it in the GLASGOW-FORT PECK GOUR- L.t, Box 218, Glasgow, Montana. Rate one esnt per word per insertion. Stamps accepted, Farm Lands for Sale RANCH FOR SALE--40O-acre stock, hay, alfalfa seed ranch, 11 miles west of Forsyth. Also well adapted for beet culture. One mile to good school, railroad and beet dump. 59 acres irrigated from main canal, balance hill pasture, fair improve- ments, soft water• $4,000 cash. $OHN LIPPERT -- Forsyth, Mont. ranch, free water right, 21 head livestock, farm equipment--two moderu houses, elec- tricitY, mall daily, school bus. Write owner, C. M. SLA ER.lIam!l_ton, - Montana WOULD YOU RAISE a reasonable down payment for a farm? If you were assured the annual carrying charges were ac- tually no more than rent? We offer a New Sales Plan on farms throughout Montana. You will be interested. Write or see o. E. SPURGIN, Box 1048, Billings, Montana. ranch near Choteau, 100 acres broke, 26 acres alfalfa, 40 acres blue Joint, 10O acres Irrigated, 00 acres subirrigated, has 2V2 miles of creek. Serviceable Bldgs. Price : $12,600, Replies to only bonaftde prospects, i R. E. HASSARD, Box 1522, Great Falls, I Montana. irood buildinis, wen watered, some irrlia-: ion. Must be sold. FRARY & BURLJNGAME, i (reat Falls, Montana I I way near town and school, fine buildings, seven good springs and three creeks on prop- erty. 400 acres farm lfmd, 170 head well bred Hereford cattle, about 25 horses, 250 tons i hay, several hundred bushels wheat oats [ rye, new tractor, new power mower, new [ tractor ball rake, new binder, complete get! horse hay equipment, seeder, tandem disc, 3 section drag harrow, 3 wagons, irrigation : pumP, power saw, several sets harness, 2 stock saddles and other ranch and farm equipment, Abstract title clear--S74,820, Terms $30,000 down, balance on time, Re- plies to only bonaflde prospects. R. E HAS- SARD, Box 1522, Great Falls, Montana• __Field a_n_d G_arden Seeds MICHELS HYBRID GRASS SEED at 75c Lb, in lots of 100 Lbs, W. J. CREA, Fenn, Idaho. Olover--High Quality Rceleaned Montana Seed at lew Low Prices. THE SEARLE SEED CO. Lewlstown, Montana WHEAT WILD RYE CROSS grass seed for FALL SEEDING; Newest of PERENNIAL grasses for dry land hay and range. Often called MICHEL grass. State purity and ger- mination tests and prices sent on request. LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO SEED GROWERS' ASSOCIATION, Moscow, Idaho I_ l_]a__?enO:S _ _ ar" gain. 2.800 cu. ft. cap. W. ALLAN, Ryegate, Montana. Fur-Bearing Animals . TWO TRIOS pure Hercules strain Yukon mink kits, attractively priced for immediate delivery. Also few extra male kits for herd improvement at pelt value. BOX 251, Elgin, Ore. THE BEST. Through selective mating have been constantly improved for 24 generations. Kits for September delivery, $25. O. C. WOIAE, Waldport, Oregon. Hand-Knit Socks HAND-MADE 100% Vlrgin wool socks. O. SAMSON, Box 284, Puyallup," Wash. _ Li uor llabi_t ,_ Since 1896 Hospitalization FOR LIQUOR AND DRU0 HABITS F@r |ntmrsstln information mrlee for our Pamphletm, All iru/uir/es s. ictiy confidential THE MURRAY INITITUYES 620 $. IOfb MlnneapollI _ Livestock _ IOWA FARMER-FEEDERS want to buy stocke cows, calves, yearlings, twos, both sexes: also ewes, wethers, lambs. Prefer lots of three to thirty carloads. How many, what kinds have you for sale, and what Ioad- i OIIANDT.ER, Chariton, Iowa. Medical " . "MZN 60, GET YOUTHFUL VIGOR, IqP, quickly with HORMOVZM. Informa- tion free. F, J. SCHRF, IBER, Plttsburg, Ken. $12,600. Replies to only bonafide prospects, i '" R. E• HASSARD, Box 1522, Great Falls, I THE PHIL'IPSBURG MAIL 00ANK 1 By LAUREN R. GERINGER You cannot tell by the tops how big a carrot is. Here is one over here with a big bushy leaf spread and you would have to believe it was the biggest carrot in the patch. But, dig down around it with your finger or knife, you will find it has a root no bigger through than a pencil. It may never get any, bigger, rather. It put out all its energy[ in a quick grown top, and will get[ old and go to seed without really l growing a carrot to amount to any-t thing. I And here is one all by itself in Lhel row. You would think it had had l plenty of room for growing. But it has not made much of itself, either. Now, here is a carrot that is a car-I ro. Notice that I get it right from l the midst of a clump of five. And,[ crowded right in among the others, it l has grown to twice the size of lts l neighbors. • , • You cannot tell a man by his out- ward appearance. Here is one that is always seen and heard in every gathering and ',who is considered quite a leader. But, probe into just what he accomplishes, you will find he really does little. He has fine talents, but is so conceited in thinking that he is a big man now that he will never settle down to amount- ing to anything. And here is a man who has been given all he has. With plenty to do with, and everything in his favor, he Just does not have energy to make anything of his opportunities. Now, here is a man that is a man. Notice the hard surroundings in which he grew up. Handicapped by all the privations and difficulties man could have, he has risen to the su£cess we all dream of. If the total American income was divided evenly among all the 128 mil- lion inhabitants, each person would have received $469 or $9 a week during 1935-36.' Lady Aberdeen has been presented a medal struck in her honor and $15,000 to be used for special causes, gifts of the International Council of Women of Edinburgh. CLASSIFIED] --AD VERTISIMgN -- Why Suffer With ASTHMA Write Depi 88 1210 Textile Tower, Sogltlc, Wn. . Motorcycles II.ItLE-DAVIDSONS, blcycJes, daY'he repairs. BLASIUS, INO,. Idaho Falls, i ..................................................... RBURN ............................................ Saturday Night Back Home SHE E HEADS 1 BEE LINE BACKERS 1/ GREAT FALLS IS CHOSEN FOR IIIGItWAY1940 MEETINGASSOCIATION'S /T  Resolutions Adopted at Livingston MO -H£/M Meeting Include One Urging Con- i' gress to Appropriate Funds for Road. J. L. Sherburne of Browning was named president of the Yel- lowstone-Glacier Bee Line High- way association at the annual i meeting of the road boosters, held fat Livingston. Great Falls was se- lected for the 1940 convention. Other officers elected were Paul Working of Wilsall, and Howard Haves of Glacier park, vice presi- dents, and L. E. Flint of Livingstolx, I secre:tary- treasurer. Directors selected were Earl Hall, Gardiner; A1 Volberding, Livingston; " Frank Edwards, White Sulphur Springs; Tony Feller, Neihart; H. S. Honey, Monarch; N. H. Browning, Belt; J. N. Thelen, Great Falls; T. G'. Larson, Choteau; S. 1. Scotland, Browning; Gus Smith, Glacier park, and AI Winkler, Kalispell. Among resolutions adopted were: To urge present congress t appropriate sufficient additional funds for the national park service to mee.t "vital" road needs in Glacier park; to 'ask ( federal authorization of additional funds for the forest service highway system; to remain unanimously o p- . posed to any diversion from highways[ of funds raised by the gasoline tax, and to study ways of raising additional i ] funds for the state highway fund, rec-! commending a group of 25 business "FAIRY FEET" Questions and Answers men who have knowledge and experi- i ence in higlIway and finance to make[ 1. If in Scriptures the Song of De- recolnmendations to the governor and] By ANN JOYCE grees is variantly known as the legislators. "Only one week more," reJoice An- Song of Ascents what other name is Fred Thieme, assistant regional for-! nette. "Then the ocean waves." given to the Song of Songs? ester from Missoula, told delegates un- i For 50 weeks of the year Annette 2. Is 1. O. M. an abbreviation for a Lawrence worked in a department labor organization, a fraternal so- der the present setup it would take l store. Always, however, her two weeks' ciety, a government agency, a col- 40 years to complete the highway pro- I vacation stood out as an oasis of joy, lege degree or what? gram expected of the forest service. waiting for her. 3. The quin-eentenary of Cat Island Other speakers were D. A. McKinnon, I Mrs. Blake, in charge of Annette's as the landing place of what dis- state highway engineer; O. S. Warden, department, was fond of the girl and coverer will occur in 53 years? Gret Falls publisher, and Hayes, they had rented a small apartment 4. What two presidents, both Ohio- Glacier Park Transportation Co. presi- ogether. With vacation time at hand, ans, both born in 1822, both corn- dent. they planned to spend it as usual at manders in the war between the > the seashore, states, both republicans, both beard- LIBBY PLANT BUSY Annette's wardrobe was simple of ed, covered the 12 years of recon- John Myers, superin.tendent of the necessity. But what she saved on her struction between Andrew Johnson Universal Zonolite Insulation Co. plant gowns she lavished on her shoes, for and James A. Garfield?,, I at Libby, said recently that 63 freight Annette's feet were her pride. Small 5. What is meant by career boYS"lcars of vermiculite had been shipped and dainty, apparently made to dance in the WPA? I in August from Libby to plants over 6. What, in common, had Solon, Solo- I the world. This was an all-time record. I through life. mon, Buddha, Confucius, Mentor, l "Now Annette, don't talk shop while  , were here," cautioned Mrs. Blake aft- Nestor, the Magi, the second Dan-] BASIN MINERS SIGN er they were settled at the shore, tel," and the Seven Wise Men of The Basin Miners union has signed Calvert"Reserve" BLENDEDWHISKEF90 Greece? an agreemen¢ with the Basin Montana "There's no knowing what rich men you may meet. Don' queer things. 7. Has the United States senate any Tunnel Co., providing for a minimum Proof--65% Grain Neutral Spirits. "Dear old matchmaker," replied An- exclusive prerogatives over the low- wage of $5.25 per day for miners. The ' Calvert "Special" BLENDED 1FHISKEY--90 nette, "I've already forgotten the er house of congress? pay scale is not based on metal prices, Proof--72Y.% Grain Neutral Spirits. Copr. store. Now I'll pack my shoes." 8. Which of the following writers was the company spokesman said. They filled a whole shelf. All styles not living in the 19th century: Mat- ,. 1939CalvertDistillersCorp.,NewYorkCity. and colors, silver and bronze and thew Arnold, Charles Dickens, Lord Read the Classified Advertisements! satin, everything imaginable but the Bacaulay, Henry Ward Beecher, Ed- ...... Karakul_Sheep ........ common-sense kind gar Allan Poe and Alexander Pope? X;,.--" Then followed g'lorious days with 9 What two abbreviations of two let- IIIIlilIIMIIIIIlmIIla2!i h,,. ,.. ..... ..i. r av ,bathing and sailing and walks and terms each stand for foreign silv r • • a-lln.-'on ..................... siestas in the sunshine. Delightful but coins? , molotonous.. _ i0. Are fragments of wheat larger or , ii ip A y . DIRT",!, Miscellaneous for ale Tnen .ne appeareq a uapper young smaller than grits? What are their l .... i man wno apparently• znew .no one uses in cookery and industry? I • NEW STANDARD NAILS--New cor-! mere ana spen nls ime rocmng on amwuu ! I " l rugated roofing. Saw mandrels and saws. ]the piazza. 1 Canticles , OshVl_y!OVouPtce16onA(lalm:LASKAp:kUaNK sheAnette lied" % loOkan " ]vJsed 2:oltMiSna.n'abbrevtation for the Isle ...... prosperous, perhaps even a millionaire, o ,,,,,,o I !.She took to walking up and down " ':,'" ,o€ o,, R,,therfr  written [] - _ _ _ . -, v ...... -  ........ ' B Hayes. I A 32-page illustrated booklet, with EVERYBODY--If you want interest- foaPPaetTeadcXC t aten[onfeeoee  5. Relief workers who overstay their I I I lng correspondents, Join THE FRIENDLY, . • - .. , • • LETTER CLUB. Personalities matche'o. Send!Should, she demded, but that was not a "'",',7,,rit,, I • scientific accuracy, showing the exact con- • stamp. Box 5,52. Fairfield. Ale. enough. ' " Yes"]n the ower of confirmation • • stituents of western soils, what are the handt- • [] [ Then she tripped apparently over "'or on-conflr'matioin of the presi-[ ...... • "noto r msnlng i nothing one day just as sne was pass- dent s nominations for all statutory I I lnF.him" One slipper flew off. and she appointive offices and in the rail- I • • each negative, up to 16 '25e coin• MONTANA L Ilgnl; nave 1allen only mame y0un • fication by a two-thirds maojrityl - caps to profitable crop growing and what I FILMS, Lewlstown, Montana. uian sp.ral).g usp h ann caugnu her ann of all foreign treaties. ! [] [] .... rerlevea me s oe, , 8. Alexander Po,pe who died in 1'/44. I • can be done to surmount them. Packed full [] lnll lilm h.l.,rl I "I don't know how it happened,' I 9. Gr. for groschen and Rs. for rupees, i • I I .............. r" I Annette declared. "Perhaps it was the I I0. The fragments of wheat, after hull- I • of valuable informationl [] I 8 prints, 2-5x7 trimmed, enlarge-Ihtgh heels." ing and crushing, are larger than I [] [] I mens, or te prms wznout en- I , u.,.,,, . ....... . ,,u,,+ + o I grits ana are fine servea wire I • • g meats, 5 cents coin. Re-l , i rit 1 e i I prints 3 cents each. ] put on your slipper,' and he proceeded t mushroom sauce, wht. g s. us d, • Prepared with extraordinary care and at • ,, as an aoJunc o mal m Drewlng ]to do so very expertly, lay I walk l ^ • I • - • • tORqWSTERN pHOTO SIIgVlOl ] with you? The ocean is too fine today l ......  ..... I I considerable expense, this booklet will be [] • s r,e. ....s.cta to look at alone." " I HEXOGRA£¥1 t B  ] When they returned to the hotel l iI mailed • _ e "_'7 ....... - • I Mrs. Blake was on the porch and An-I __ I-.. I • [] "BEST CASt[-PRICES-PAID--FOI[ nette presented her companion. ', t (  [|  h r le- | your Poultr and Eggs." J. L DORSH CO ,,v   +^A,,- r. ¢''' I I I  1 l Butte Montana ' "'l a.t, ,,. .,vuuue .twt. ., vx.o. I k L   / I /" " ........ . Blake Mr Corliss saved me from a 'f  "I  I I rnaa | CASH FOR-YOU-R--Liv-E-ch]ckens-,I fall on the walk• That's how we met."! ...t.. I I L , " 0 ducks, geese and dry picked turkeys• Ship]_.MFs. Blake sm!!ed,,inscrutably. H w! f / l anytime. NYSTRAND POULTRY CO., 21391K1nfl 0I 2vr. uorlss. I t-,, • ] \\; 2   I Placer St., Butto, Montana. After that the three enjoyed life I f "/ Y  N ! I 1 ===---==---=--.7---=-- limmensely together until Mrs. Blake l I ) ] J_ . J I i to those who fill out and send this us coupon! u Bux*:tt oI rive poulvry anal developed a weak ankle and dropped[ x,._,A-,v, /  I Lresn eggs: SUN PRODUCE CO., 5S So. 10Ut. In no time Annette Lawrence be-[ -- '  ) ( t4 } ] • -- .-- --, • Maln St Helena M0nt ,, ,, Maln__t.. rlelena. Mont. ' - "'ac'-"came Annie Laurie, and Mr. Corltss, k,./',,,/,"',v.._r ,  t I •• F- ............. , I •• Rubber Stamns and Seals """ "t "an e One evenin ! 1 , ' ± Anaconda Sales _ .Comnanv, I • • --- ....... _= - -- " was aier a a e g[  I I I RUBBER AND MET&L STAMPS, that Jack confessed to Annie L,aurle ( ) -- ( ) £tenclls, check signs. PAOZFIO STAMP that the fall of her fairy feet in-I J --" I Anaconda, Mont, Dept C I 'O,KS W 516 Sprague AV.. Spokane, Wash trlgued him. Then he stopped abruptry  - [ , .... I _ _-. :'-'----L-=:- ..... =--==.-"-'--7 .... land said he was a fool, sure enough. I J ' [] I ' [] w mAttt 'z'Amtr, uooer ype I It was the next morning that An- I • Please send me free of charge your booklet "Pay Dirt. n • HELENA STAMP WORKS Helena Mont r k in 13 letters in  .......................................... [nette found a note f om Jac in her l Place the follow g 1 . I 1 [box. "Important business in city. lspaces above so as to spen one 5-letter •I I| Name .....   ' -- I* I Cll001S I Thank you both for many delightful l word and five 4-letter words. Arrows LEARN RADIO, DIESEL AVlATIO/h°urs''' show direction of spelling. auto welding at Washingto Technical In-' He was gone, and Annette crushed[ One letter has been pl_aced in the . stitute Dept A., 909 4th Ave,, Seattle. Write back the hurt in her heart. He had! proper place. 'm m me on.or  . I Address , I I for free bulletin, of course realized that she was not letters. • ..I his kind. , I B - C - E - G - H - L - N - O - P I County., State I i. nares Back in the city Annette s spirits w T TT V [] - - - - - I still drooped and Mrs Blake rleved, "" "--=  "-- 1 I --- / 1 TRAPPERS! Send for free fllustraedl for her But not long - I  • -- -- _j • price list of world famous Klcflock steel ,, " " PICKS WRONG CAR 1 snares nar wl Annette, can you o she pin with anima ,s e re, snare parts. Killer/o f ........ f Oh.),91 ,r,l When Deptty Sheriff Ross Brown • ............. • , Lie tr s K ............................... traps, e aP, LEFFMAN LOCK SNARE/__,.^. ,,v .^  ..... .,,, I nf Ferus countv was hratled by a • • CO. Dept. 4. Hibblng Mlnn u .........  ...... . I.,, .... g- entlv while-rivin  rom [] , --II It s°tmded mysterl°us but Annette I '":"'er ree-Y"" "-''-i " Anaconda Sales MONTANA Company -i TraPPers' Suunlies / agreed readily and the next day Mrs. I ,ewsmwn owara mniora, ne smppa ---_-=--- -- ...... _ Blake led her to the most exclusive me car ann gave .ne man a nee. rJ..,.JAf Ilhdg and Coyote Exter- 8hoe shop in the city. L Only ne did no conmue to Stanfora, • oes l ase - but turned the car around and drove mil " . " rlIW/IlU: WU •later Capsules] COlTInlon sense sn , p e , sne ....... ---"..'.'T..'--:'..._g._ nme. coyotes / explained to the clerk who came for-I to Lewmmwn. "±'he mchhiKer was a • • one nsntr'c°nr°'= ................. 'wrU&?'re°°rmu !i nette'sWard" Thenlit up.both his face and An-{i hadDent°na for whom Deputy Brown •lllllllllllllll-llllllllllllllllllllllllm • GEO'fiGE EDWARDS, LIVINGSTON, MONT. 1 "Why, it's Annie Lauriel" he ex-[ . .. -.. ...... claimed. "I beg your pardon, Miss[ During me coronation of King  ........................................... Turkeys--Mammoth Bronze I. wrenc.e, I .mean. The youn.g soclallte I .w.ard VI-H-°f .En.gland .the .a(.ed arch" WOMEN! wno mo py on a poor snoe sazes-/omt}op 9. aneroury llaceo me crown FOR SALE--OTH BRONZE man, thinking him a millionaire, no [ on me g's nead.baczward. He item- TURKEY BREEDERS. Twenty years breed- dOUbt." | bled SO rom weazness tha everyone ing behind these!y maturing, l broad- "Socialltel Why, Jack Corliss, rm|earedhe would drop the crown. broasted, beef-type turzeys. Tom $ 0, Hen R. rglglm,'Iv tn the denartment stare/ $0, if purchased before Nov. 1. Reduction on "^,=--.L'L-%,.'=5.,--'L-." ,%^,, +u^,,-v=- ,-5 ' • .  •. Tr • e quantities• LENINGTON HATCHERY, a- war ...... ,.., ..,.o, ,,,, ,o, .... ., OtUlOn o I"IU8 wees lowton Montana v. zzz w... ,v wv , w.*j,  I dropped out. Still, fairy feet are ]r',ov..n.nm read how thousands have been able to ..... my specialit- -ou see." #e#, ] " "'" " GET NEW ENERGY .... De ,drop, in again, Mrs. Blake . - 8AVE 50%-75%--Ued part for all urged. Here s our address, Tonight? f N f cars. eARL WEISSMAN & OO., 218 Fourth That's fine. The common-sense soes s (()   ) et, SO., Great Falls, Montana, can wait." .  "Please explain," requested Annette . () a.  r__t_ f_ usea pas', to u later on / //..f. \\; IMPORTANT Modlcal Tests Roveal WHY Famous Lydia F. Plnkham's Veptable Cola- J'kULU _r-ll'L ,#O. cars. Oreat 111. ,, = hi 'ro'--h his she  win ( ( i -- ,  pound Has Been Helping Woak, Rundown, Nervous Women For Over Half A CoRttlry| nr{feui:ul'l°°el?;h   / If you feel tired out, llmp, listless, some food which your body uses • , moody, depressed--if your nerves directly for energy--to help build are constantly on edge nnd you're up more physical resistance.and thus t .......... a piece of banna I plaoed in the t i ) - ,o.,o, your boy friends to more at- help calm jittery nerveg, lesgen ,e- tracUve, peppy women--SNAP OUT male functional distress ana give you ERE IS A REAb tsAttutJt right nlace helned" " f-Y" For Sale--Used typewriter, late L.O. ° ¢ "-  1 " ( 0 } OF ITI No man likes a dull, tired, joyful bubbling energy that hl re- Smith model. Excellent condition, t'.,,,4 z,dt, tltld, a +.a€€1 "   . cranky woman, fleeted thraout your whole .being. .................... rt u t All you may need is a good reliable Over 1,000,000 women have e- Great Falls, Montana. light, a moto in England s bml ted ,I ] { ) tonic. If Io try famous Lydia K. ported marvelous benefitg from a colored photograph to show th.t  / " • / / Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. Pinkham's Compound. Results ....... the sun shining on the signals matte i #4 1 Let it 'imulate gnstric juices to help ahoulddelilhtyou! Telephone your ....... e red lights leer yellow, and he '/ digest and assimilate more whole- drugglst right now for a bottle. M. N. A. OCTOB 2, 1939 (1) WaS no fined. '